Monday, October 17, 2011

savoring the indian summer

We. are. home!  It was such a fun visit to NC - but more on that once I get my photos organized.  :-)

Asher and I rolled back into town early this afternoon and can't believe how hot it still is!  I was expecting to need our long sleeve shirts and slippers, but it was hot enough for shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops this afternoon.  Phew.  I'm ready for fall!!

In the spirit of loving the one you're with Ash and I broke out a few popsicles and toasted the warm weather.

{despite the fact that I was grumbling about stupid hot weather on the inside...}

Asher, at least, seemed sincere in his appreciation of the popsicles!

I just can't get enough of watching him enjoy a treat.

Makes me want to spoil him rotten!  ha!


  1. Welcome back! I love all the photos. Asher looks just as sweet as that popsicle! I can understand why you'd want to spoil him. :)

  2. Yay... I missed you! :-) Can't wait to see pictures from your trip.


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