Friday, September 9, 2011

hurricane entertainment

We're taking a little break from vacation memories - you're welcome.  :-)

Two Saturdays ago {instead of driving to the shore} Drew and I decided to try out a project I've been dying to do with Asher.  I found this idea on Pinterest {love, love that site!} and couldn't wait to give it a go.

Shaving cream finger paints sounded like they could be a huge mess, so I waited until Drew was home to help out.  That ended up being a wise choice.

Asher l-o-v-e-d it!  {so did Drew}

Well, Ash loved it after we convinced him to give the foam a try.

I'm really not sure why he resisted so much at first - he loves bath time, so it's not clear what kind of torture he thought was on the way to elicit such a strong response.

At any rate, once he got his hand in the squishy mess he was sold!  All you have to do is squirt some shaving cream in a muffin tin, stir in some food coloring, and let them have at it.

Warning:  I'd keep it away from grout if you can.  We have a big tub, so I didn't have any trouble keeping it on the tub walls only.  I'm not positive that it would stain grout, but that stuff is so darn porous, it wouldn't surprise me.

Another warning:  When the foam gets on your skin and you wipe it away some color will still be there.  If you're like me, you'll PANIC assuming your child's nose is now permanently a sickly purple color.  Fear not.  With just a little scrub of a washcloth, it all comes right off.

Clean up was really easy.  The hardest part was keeping Asher from touching every surface in the bathroom when we pulled him out to rinse off the tub before his bath.  I'd definitely recommend a 2 on 1 defense for this project.

All in all, it was super fun!  Asher loved making a "mess" and it was really cheap and easy to make happen.  This is something we'll be doing again soon!


  1. awesome idea!!! and I <3 pinterest too! What is your handle? I think I am: divinefrenzy

  2. That's a great idea! We'll definitely be trying that out.

    Also? Sweet bathtub!


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