Monday, September 12, 2011

asher's greatest joy...

is a giant beach ball.

He spotted this from the top deck and Daddy had to go retrieve it right away.  Asher loves balls and this was the biggest one he's ever seen!

It needed a quick pump-up - hurry Daddy!

but then was ready for a week of fun.

Asher kept trying to pick it up, but when that failed {repeatedly} he settled for giving it hugs.  Love him and his innocent sweetness.  :-)

Totally unrelated, but I have to throw in a picture that I took at the same time as these beach ball shots.  Check out Captain Charming flirting with his Aunt Ali.  Oh that smile...what a heartbreaker in the making!


  1. Cute pics! That's a cool ball! Did your hubby blow it up himself? I would have passed out! haha

  2. That ball is HUGE!!!! How fun for Asher! :) And isn't that scary how they already know how to flirt?! AGH!

  3. "I" want to play with that ball! Ha ha. That thing is freakin huge.

    Hubby looks funny blowing up the ball. :p Hopefully he didn't have to blow the whole thing up.


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