Thursday, February 4, 2010

unexpected mommy skills

Before Asher was born there were a few skills I assumed would come with the territory. You know...diapering, burping, breastfeeding, baby bathing, etc.

What I didn't realize is that there are a whole host of bonus skills that come with having a baby which no one tells you about!

7 weeks into this adventure I have become amazingly proficient at typing with one hand. This post, for instance, would have taken me an hour to type out during Asher's first week, but now I'm a speedy 10 words per minute.

It's good to know that if I ever lose an arm in a freak accident my career in the typing pool won't be in jeopardy.

I'm also rapidly becoming ambidextrous. To most of the world my being left-handed is a shock worthy of the nightly news. Well, Brian Williams can look away from the Tele-Prompter because I am officially using my right hand more than my left these days.

The other night Asher was crying up a storm (as soon as dinner was ready, of course) and I finally got him to sleep in my left arm. I was sure that laying him down or passing him off to Drew would result in an instantaneous wake up, so I did the only thing I could and ate with my right hand.

Ever try to eat with your non-dominant hand? It's not pretty. I was trying to shovel peas into my mouth using a giant spoon like some unfortunate stroke victim. So many peas fell to the floor I almost asked Drew to get out Asher's splat mat.

A few more meals and I should be cruising, though. Ambidexterity is a really cool skill!

What unexpected Mommy skills did you acquire? I can't wait to see what comes next!

Asher goes for his first set of shots today -- I'm really not looking forward to this. Wish us luck!

Hopefully I'll see this face again soon!


  1. I have also become a pro at typing and eating with one hand. Well, maybe not a pro, but I'm able to do it fairly easily! I can also change a diaper in the middle of the night in almost complete darkness. Moms should have superhero capes!

  2. I'm getting really good at holding a bottle with my chin so that I have a free hand when I feed Eli! And too bad I'm past the cut-off age for American Idol, because I now sing every day!

  3. How did his shots go? I am dreading Bennett's appt!!!


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