Tuesday, February 23, 2010

cruising through life

I decided that being a baby is a lot like living on a cruise ship.

Which means that I'm chief cruise director.

I spend my days maintaining and serving the 24/7 buffet, organizing fun activities, and planning off-ship excursions.

Asher seems satisfied with his vacation, for the most part.

Sometimes, like this morning, however, he seems a bit annoyed at the service.

This customer wakes up very hungry and demands breakfast instantly. I get him chowing down as soon as possible, but once he drains one side anger abounds.

He ends up banging his adorable little fist against me like an angry old man at the soda machine.

I said Diet Coke, not Mountain Dew...Diet Coke!

Around here the customer is always right and ideal service is our goal.

However, I am thinking about transferring to an Alaskan Cruise -- these Cleveland cruisers are way too demanding.


  1. Emily This was too funny!!

  2. haha! hilarious, mama. and those pictures are stinkin' adorable.


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