Thursday, October 27, 2016

happy 4th birthday hadley!

Hadley Fern, you are FOUR years old!

Our happy Hadley is 4 already - I can't believe it!  Wasn't it just yesterday that she was this big?

We celebrated her big day with a gymnastics party this year.  Hadley has been taking gymnastics classes and wanted to have her party there as well.  This is the first year she's had a party outside of the house and invited friends from preschool.  It went so great - all of the kids had fun and Hadley loved having all eyes on her!

A couple days after her party it was Hadley's actual birthday, so of course we had to celebrate at home.  

She was completely obsessed with these noise makers and wanted nothing more than to toot her own horn all night.

 Hadley requested a kitty cake just like last year's so I was happy to oblige!

Four is such a fun age!  Every gift was thrilling and she was so happy and grateful for each one.

Hadley has been asking for Maryellen for a few months now.  When she opened her up it was the best!  The next morning Ellie had to come with us to walk Asher to school.

Hadley, we love you so much!  You are such a funny girl and keep us on our toes all the time.  While you love princesses and "lip ploss" you also love to wrestle with the boys - in a field of roses, you are most certainly a wildflower.  Happy 4th birthday!!

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