Friday, March 8, 2013

{phone dump friday}

Another week, another phone dump!  Can I just say how much I love Instagram?  So fun!  If you want to follow along with my pics throughout the week you can find me under "ecwilk53".  Please leave a comment with your username - I'd love to follow your feed as well!

Haddie and I tried a few new positions in the Baby K'Tan this week.  She is getting too big for the newborn sling position {sad!} so this is much more comfortable.

We also tried facing front, but her neck strength isn't quite there yet so we will have to revisit this way next month.  She's a major busybody, though, and loved facing out to see what was happening.  This will be a must-do when her little head isn't quite so heavy and she can hold it up for more than just a couple minutes.

I've been doing some fun projects in the craft room and picked up pretty fabric as a treat the other day!

Hadley's eyesight is getting much stronger - she can see the ribbon mobile above the rocking chair and gets distracted by it all the time.  {I love that she loves it!}

A, H, and I went to play with some new friends on Monday.  They are a big brother 6 months younger than Asher...

and a little brother 10 days older than Hadley.  Perfect!

{T and H have the same natural mohawk going right now.  It looks way better on him.  Any idea what I can do to my sweet girl's hair??  I hate to cut it all off and start fresh, but the long on top, bald in the back is NOT cute.  ha!  Bless her heart}

My table brought breakfast to MOPS this week and I signed up for fruit.  Pretty, no?  :-)

It's been so cold and windy here lately that we've been doing a lot of indoor play.  Asher requested bathtub paints and I thought that was a swell idea.  After he was done painting he took an extra long bath to clean up.  When he got out he looked at his hands and said,

oh no!  I'm all sprinkly!  

haha - love him.

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. Love bathtub paints - did you make it with shaving cream? We were doing that for a while, but turns out I'm allergic to that particular shaving cream. I always broke out in hives so we stopped - I guess I'll put that on our shopping list!

    I can't believe how big she's getting! I'll def. follow you on Instagram if I don't already: utblondie

  2. Oh the hair! Unfortunately it's something both my boys have gone through. I wish someone had told me to cut Carter's hair when he was 6 months old. Looking back at pictures he looked completely ridiculous hahaha Miss H is still gorgeous and can totally pull off the baby faux hawk look though ;)


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