Wednesday, March 6, 2013

hadley's four month stats

Hadley had her 4 month well-baby visit last week.  Sweet girl was happy to chat with mommy while waiting for our appointment.

The doctor said {as they all have since the day H was born} that she is very laid back and tolerant of exams.  That's my girl!

Of course she needed a few immunizations and didn't like that much.  Neither of us did.  The only difference was that I knew they were coming and stopped for a shot of my own on the way to the pediatrician's office.  :-)

Hadley had a really rough afternoon of crying, then a couple of days of being out of sorts after her shots.  This happened at the 2 month visit as well.  Stink.

The stats:

weight - 12 lbs, 1.2 oz {11%}
height - 24.5" {55%}
head circumference - 15 {3%}

Bless her tiny little head.

She didn't gain nearly as much weight as I was expecting.  The doctor mentioned that Hadley has slowed her growth curve a little and is getting long and lean, but it's nothing to worry about.  She is still gaining enough weight and is an extremely healthy girl overall!

The pediatrician mentioned a few times how well Hadley weathered having RSV last month.  Since H never had to be hospitalized or receive breathing treatments the doc said that indicates Hadley has a great immune system and is at low risk for asthma.  Go H!  :-)


  1. I take Kendall for her 4 months well visit on Monday. Not looking foward to the shots. Miss H is just to cute

  2. She is oh so cute, Emily!!! I was surprised to read her weight percentile. She looks squishier than that to me, lol! Happy 4 months, Hadley!

  3. We go to our appt on Monday. Guessing Nolan is going to hit 19lbs. Such a chunk!!


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