Monday, June 10, 2013

i'm not sure why i bother

When I was creating the stairwell photo gallery this week I was picking out pictures to print and realized that we have zero - ZERO - of all 4 of us.  To look through my photos you'd totally think that Drew and I are a divorced couple who share these 2 children - there are pictures of Drew and the kids and ones of me and the kids, but none of US and the kids.  To that end, I decided last minute to book an open spot in a mini session Hadley's photographer was holding yesterday morning.  I knew it would be a crap shoot with Asher because no matter how many bribes you offer him, the kid is either into smiling or not.

Well, today he was NOT.  Wouldn't hardly look at the camera, wouldn't smile.

Stephanie, please oh please work a miracle!

I already told Drew that I'm getting one printed even if everyone is scowling because, darn it!, I want a family photo and this is just who we are right now.  I saved a spot on the gallery wall for it and everything.  :-)

Of course, Asher does this the day before.  Crazy adorable with my rain boots on in our messy living room.  Love that little stinker.

Wish us luck!


  1. It is definitely a three year old thing. Makes me furious when Carter refuses to smile or smiles but won't stay still long enough to even click the button. He is wild! Hope you got some winners!!

  2. If the family picture you are speaking of is the one I just saw on Facebook...I would call it a success!!! GREAT photo:)

  3. Seriously, if people didn't know better, they'd think by pictures that David was a single dad and these children keep appearing from thin air, because I'm very rarely in the picture! Can't wait to get our maternity and newborn shots done so I'll have evidence I exist :)


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