Thursday, June 27, 2013

hadley fern {eight months}

Hadley Fern, you are 8 months old!

The months are going faster, I'm sure of it.  I can't believe my sweet girl is working on her eighth month already!

This month you've become quite the firecracker Hadley.  You are rolling everywhere and propping yourself up on your elbow to get at toys.  Asher constantly has to save you from his things because his tiny matchbox cars are your favorite - yikes!  When we take stuff away you get MAD.  It's fun.

Hadley, you've also gotten more vocal at other times.  I decided that you don't need to wake up to eat at night any more so I've started letting you cry it out.  It went well the first night or two, but last night you  hollered at the top of your lungs for an hour.  Mommy's standing firm though - I know you'll get the idea soon.  In the meantime, maybe cool it with the screaming, it's not attractive.

During the day you have become a much better napper.  I try to keep you on a consistent schedule and that helps a ton!  You nap 3x most days - at 9am, 12:30pm, and 4pm.  You are in bed for the night by 7pm.

You love food and eat everything I offer you!  So far you've had sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, apples, pears, peaches, avocado, oatmeal, and carrots.  You still love breastmilk too and nurse 5x a day.  I gave you a little straw cup to practice with and you did fantastic!  I was really surprised, but you grabbed the handles, put the straw in your mouth and started sucking from the first minute.  When Asher had a cup of water the first time he spit it all back out, but not you!  You drank a big gulp of water and went back for more.  There's no reason you need water right now, so you don't get as much as you'd like.  :-)

Still only have 2 teeth, but based on your drool and chewing I guess more are on the way.

For the vast majority of the time you are our happy Hadley - always greeting us with a big smile and crinkled nose.  You are just starting to raise your arms in asking me to pick you up.  I love, love that!!

Asher is still your favorite person.  When we're in the car and he talks I can see you in the rearview mirror leaning as far as your car seat straps will let you to peek around and try to see him.  I think we need to move your seat over so you can be side-by-side.  :-)

At 8 months, Hadley...

weighs 14 lbs 6 oz
wears size 6-9 month and 9 month clothes
wears size 2 diapers
no shoes yet, so I'm not sure what size your bitty foot is
loves to eat both food and mama's milk
loves her big brother like no one else
has 2 teeth with more on the way
sleeps 12 hours at night with 1 wake up that we're trying to eliminate
take 3 naps a day
rolls here and there and everywhere!
loves playing with all kinds of toys, especially the music table

Hadley Fern, another month bigger and we couldn't love you more!  Your personality is developing and becoming more fun.  Before you were born I thought we'd be a family of all boys, but now that you're here I know our family wouldn't be the same without you.  You are a precious blessing from God, Haddie - we love you.


  1. Sweet post... 8 months has gone by fast!

  2. I cant believe our girls are 8 months old. the months are for sure flying by fast. Miss Hadley is absolutely adorable!

  3. This is my first time on your site. I found it searching for Friday Photo Dump. Your kids are precious.


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