Thursday, June 6, 2013

baby's first year photos {halfway}

When Hadley's newborn photographer offered us the option of doing a baby's first year plan I jumped at the chance.  I always wish I'd had more professional photos taken of Asher through his first year - no need to have the same regrets twice, right?  Two weeks ago Miss H had her 6 month photos taken and I got them back today!  Hadley was in a solemn mood that morning, but here are some of my favorites... :-)

I'm thrilled we were able to use the quilt I made for her as the background in a few - makes these so special to me!

Such a sweetie - love her!


  1. Gorgeous girl!!! Love love love that quilt. So special:)

  2. That quilt is amazing!!! I would so use that as a photo back drop. And as usual, the subject is too cute for words!

  3. OOOH Love that quilt! And her smocked dress- I die! On a scale of one to ten, how bad would it be to let my baby boy wear a smocked dress? ;)


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