Sunday, June 16, 2013

#1 dad, 4 years running

I can't believe it, but he's done it again.  Happy Father's Day to the best daddy we know!

This is your first year as a father of 2 and you rose to the challenge with ease.

Hadley loves her daddy and appreciates his scratchy face like none other.

Except maybe for Asher.  There's just something about a scratchy Daddy face, I guess.

There are lots of reasons {besides his aces scratchy face} that Drew got the #1 Dad title again this year.

He knows how to relax - and isn't afraid to share those secrets.

But he also works very, very hard to provide for us.  We are all so grateful for the long hours he puts in so the kids and I can spend our days together.

He lets the kids be kids - but also lets them take the driver's seat sometimes.

Drew isn't afraid to be goofy.

Or be around Goofy.

All in all, I don't think any of us could ask for more in a Daddy.  You're the best and we love you!

Happy Father's Day!

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