Friday, April 4, 2014

walk this way

So this has been a long time coming…

but for her 17 month birthday Hadley finally decided to start walking!  (and walking.  and walking.)

She's taken a few steps here and a few steps there, but always dropped down to crawl.  We were positive she was just in such a hurry that she didn't have the patience for learning to walk.

For some reason this week she decided to take the leap and join the rest of us on two legs.  Haddie still doesn't get from sitting to standing on her own but if you give her a hand up she's off in no time.

See ya sister!  ha!


  1. I see many a ruffle butt pants in her off those ruffles girl!

  2. Yay good job Hadley! Loving her little ruffle butt

  3. Just now seeing this. Great job Hadley! We are in the same boat. Waiting for Caroline to take the plunge. (We are also working with a p.t. on her feet.) This impatient mama just wants her to walk already but I guess she'll do it in her own time.


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