Tuesday, February 11, 2014

hadley fern {fifteen months}

Hadley Fern, you are 15 months old!

We're about 2 weeks into this 15 month thing and you are getting to be more and more of a big girl every day.  You have started playing with toys a lot more and love cooking in the kitchen.  I'm amazed at how much you copy everything you see us doing.  You stir the pots and add food and try to eat off the serving utensils (we don't do that last one, but still - I'm impressed).

You love to eat!  There aren't too many foods that you've tried and don't want a second bite of.  This is worth mentioning because I honestly don't know where you put it all.  You're still a teeny thing, weighing in at just 18 pounds, 8 ounces and 29" long.  We have been slowly moving towards weaning, but you're still nursing 2-3x each day.  You will drink cow's milk from a straw cup but prefer that it be warmed up so the next step is getting you to take it cold and save me a step.  ha!

Still no walking.  Booooo.  You have the cutest little crawl, so it's not all bad that you refuse to walk around, but still, some walking would be ok too.  You're a major explorer so I'd love to get you up off the floor when we are out and about.  Haddie boo, you took a couple steps towards me today so I feel like you are almost ready to start trying.  Maybe.  Soon.

Asher is your favorite person.  You ask for "Baba" (brother) all the time, especially when he's at school.  He's the one you copy the most and look to for fun.  One of your favorite games to play together is when he asks you to chase him and you do your fast crawl to try and catch him but he runs waaaaay faster than you possibly can go.  I'm waiting for you to stand up and really tear after him someday soon.  That'll show him.  ha!

Your next favorite person is your Daddy.  No one makes your super silly, big smile come out like he does!

I'm a sad third, but I know you love me too.  Or at least my shoes.  :-)

Oh sweet Hadley, sadly you aren't all roses and sunshine.  We've been seeing more and more of this face.

This time it was because I wouldn't let you eat any more than the 3 coffee pods you'd already gone through.  I have to laugh because most of the time when you cry it's for a similarly ridiculous reason.  Your sad face is so very pathetic that I'm basically powerless against it.  I'm in big trouble.

Of course, you also have a demanding face that's a little easier for me to resist.

You have a couple words now - dada, mama, baba, uh-oh, nigh nigh, done - and even say a couple phrases that I can understand.  Sleep is a good friend to us - you go 12 hours at night and still take 2 naps a day most days.

These past 15 months have gone so quickly.  I can't believe you've gone from this…

to this already!

We love you so very much Hadley!


  1. Her and Kendall are so much alike. Kendall has started copying everything we do too.

  2. She is too cute! Love all of her monogrammed outfits! :)


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