Monday, August 15, 2016

noel august {six months}

Noel August, you are SIX months old!

That's half a year, friend!  Slow your roll mister - this is too much.

Noel, you are such a joy.  Everyone who meets you comments on how smiley a boy you are.  You have a big grin for everyone and they love it!  Being a joy spreader is such a gift. 

A few days before your 6 month birthday I finally gave you some solid food.  You've been eyeing our food for awhile now and getting upset when we don't share, so I figured it was time.  Plus you have TWO teeth that broke through and are ready to chomp on some goodies.  Your first food was bananas and it's safe to say you loved it.  I hope you'll stay my good eater!

faster mama!

The day before you turned 6 months old you celebrated by sleeping all night long!  That's 12 hours friends, 7:30-7:30!  Of course, mommy got up at 5 to pump, but that's ok.  I'll take that any time you care to do it.  Here's hoping it becomes our new normal!  Your naps are still pretty bad.  I'm putting you down after 1-2 hours of awake time but you only sleep for 45 minutes or so before waking up crying.  By the end of the day you are SO TIRED (and cranky) so I hope you get napping down pat soon.  You'll feel better if you do, I promise!

Noel, you still love your siblings the most.  Any time they are running around you are watching and smiling.  You love to be up in the Jumparoo because it gives you a good vantage point for all the crazy happening around the house.  I know before long you'll be chasing after them, getting in on the fun.  Asher loves to sit next to you in the car.  The other day you were fussing and he started singing to calm you down.  You stopped crying to listen and he said "I love you Nolie, I'm your big brother and I'll always be here for you" - melt my mama heart.  

Your eyes are a bit of a mystery color.  They often look blue, but have a ring of gold/brown as well.  They aren't bright blue like Asher's and they aren't solid hazel like Hadley's.  You have a color all your own!  People always tell me how much you look like your Daddy (and you do) but I see some of me too.  I think as our last little baby you are a perfect mix of all of us.

At 6 months, Noel...

* weighs 16.6 pounds
* has TWO teeth
* sleeps mostly through the night - sometimes with 1 wake up to eat and sometime with none!
* wears size 6 months and 6-9 months
* wears size 2 diapers (moving to size 3 as soon as these are gone)
* loves baths
* loves the playmat and Jumparoo!
* smiles all the time
* doesn't nap worth a darn
* still nurses 4x a day and sometimes 1x at night
* eats solid food - bananas + oatmeal 2x a day

Noel August, this time last year we were expecting a baby bear, but we didn't know it was you!  You've exceeded our expectations for what a third baby would bring to our family.  The big kids love you and Daddy and I can't believe we got so lucky.  Gus, you have an infectious grin and bring joy to all those you meet.  You're our guy and we love you so!  Happy 1st half of a year Noel!

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