Thursday, August 11, 2016

fun at knoebels

Growing up we had a summer tradition to spend a day at our local amusement park called Knoebel's Grove.  I haven't been there in probably 10 years and was so excited to take the kids this year!  One great thing about Knoebels is that they have rides for all ages, so there were lots of things that Hadley could ride by herself, lot of rides that Asher was into, and even roller coasters for our 12 year old nephew.  We met my parents and sisters right when it opened and got right to having fun.

On the first ride Hadley acted scared, but I think she was just pretending to get close to PopPop.  ha!  After this one whenever she got on something she'd say "I can ride.  I will be drave."

Asher has been SO EXCITED to go to "the a-museum park" and had no qualms about getting on rides.  Just this summer he's become much more of a daredevil and couldn't wait to ride everything!

Asher was especially excited because his big cousin Owen was there for the day too.  Getting to ride with and hang out with a 12 year old is pretty darn exciting for a 6 year old!  Owen was a great sport and did lots of rides with Asher.

Hadley rode this little cars with PopPop the first time through.  She wasn't sure at first and being with him eased her fears.  After that first trip she realized they are fun and no big deal so after that she insisted on riding by herself.

Look at this little lady driving herself around town!  Gah - love her!

Noel was such a trooper all day.  He was happy to alternate between the stroller, the Lillebaby carrier, and people's arms.  I expected him to meltdown at some point, but he never did.  I was able to nurse him a few times, then he'd nap in the carrier.  Sleeping and eating are still his biggest needs, so as long as they were met he was good to go!  

I got the kids a special treat in the afternoon - Asher requested ice cream and Hadley wanted a cherry Icee.  

Hadley was so sweet and shared a taste with everyone who wanted one.  Asher is a professional vacationer and didn't need anyone to show him how to double up on sweet treats.  ha!

 One our way out of the park we passed the big log flume ride and the guys asked Asher if he wanted to ride.  To my BIG surprise he said yes.  I thought it would seem too much like a roller coaster to him and he'd turn it down.  They all scrambled over to get in line and before I knew it they were flying down the hill and soaking wet.  I looked to see if Asher was screaming or upset, but he wasn't.  At all.  He was laughing and LOVED it!

He walked over dripping wet and immediately asked if they could go on again.  Owen was game, so off they ran to get in line.  Who is this big boy and where did my little guy go??  Love, love how brave he was and that he had so much fun!!!

It was such a great day - we can't wait to go back next summer!  Asher and Hadley went with my parents at the end of the day to start a week of Grammy and PopPop camp.  Noel and I drove home and started our week together.  I have endless appointments lined up and sweet Noel is in for some sleeping bootcamp.  Fun times for all!  :-)

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