Wednesday, June 15, 2016

noel august {four months}

Noel August, you are FOUR months old!

It's almost hard to appreciate all of the ways you've changed until I look at the pictures side by side.  In just 4 short months you've gone from a tiny little baby who mostly slept and ate, to a super smiley guy who interacts with the whole world!

At 4 months old you are eating every 3 hours, finally!  You held tight to that every 2 hour schedule but we eventually got that time stretched out.  It's amazing how much easier it feels to do things with just an extra hour in between feedings!  You're still exclusively breastfed - we won't start solids until about 6 months old.

You transitioned to sleeping in your crib this month.  After sleeping only in the mamaRoo or swing since you were born this was a big deal.  I was a little nervous about how the transition would go, but you made it easy.  You slept in a non-moving mamaRoo for few days, then I laid you in the crib and it was no big deal.  In fact, I think you liked stretching out a bit more.  :-) 

This month you started going to bed earlier and now have a 7pm bedtime.  As predicted that means your long stretch is mostly when I'm still up, so I am getting less sleep now than I did when you were 2 months old.  Gah.  Hopefully you start sleeping longer stretches soon - then I'll be in business too!

You went in the swing outside for the first time and l-o-v-e-d it!  With the first swing you let our a huge belly laugh - it was so sweet and everyone had to laugh along with you.

At 4 months, Noel...

* weighs 14.8 lbs
* wears size 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
* now sleeps in the crib for nighttime and naps
* is still swaddled and loves the paci while sleeping
* is exclusively breastfed, eating every 3 hours during the day and 2x at night
* loves to grab his toys hanging on the play mat
* makes great eye contact and smiles at everyone who smiles at him

Noel, you are such a joy to our family.  You have an infectious smile that brings happiness to your family and strangers alike.  God is already using you to share His love and bring people together.  You are a bridge builder and peacemaker.  We love you Noel!

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