Tuesday, December 16, 2008

driver of the year

As we begun last week, I will now continue the 2008 Year End Awards. This week we award Driver of the Year. As with Couple of the Year, there are several criteria that must be met in order to be eligible for the big prize.

The winner must:

1) Drive a go-cart without fear or regard for safety
2) Not yet have a driver's license
3) Have a parent who also drives a race car
4) Be "sugar-free"
5) Have a race track in his front yard

After careful consideration the winner is...

Owen Berry!

Congratulations, Owen! The prize is, yet again, an all-expense paid (by your Mom & Dad) trip to Cleveland for Christmas!! It promises to be a great time with Santa, presents, cookies, and ham.

As proof of Owen's eligibility, here are some photos of him in action.


  1. You are so funny with your blog! I love it! It's fun to read :) Owen is so darn cute!

  2. Can't wait to see who next weeks winner is! This is really good!

  3. I, Owen accept this award and would love to come for Christmas.

    I will bring the reindeer food!



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