Saturday, June 6, 2015

june happenings: week one

Asher recently saw the movie "Muppets Most Wanted" and he's completely obsessed.  He loves the Muppets and loves "the world's most dangerous frog, Constantine".  If you've seen the movie, you know that Constantine is Kermit's Russian doppelgänger, except that he has a mole on his cheek.  This is Asher making a mole from his chocolate chip pancake and "tricking me" into thinking he's Constantine.  His imagination and dedication to the scene cracks me up!

Speaking of obsessions, Hadley has discovered Hello Kitty (who she calls "Kitty Cat") and LOVES her.  She's Kitty Cat crazy.  We were grocery shopping this week and she spied this Hello Kitty ice cream cake and declared it "Had-dee's birt-day cake!".  

We also found a kitty cup at Target this week and she refuses to use any other cup.  I just love it when they get a new favorite.  :-)

Grandma Linda (who we're living with while our house is finished up) has a lot of fun toys, including this doll bed.  H spends a lot of time putting her babies to bed, then saying "baby waked up mommy.  You turn to hold her!"  bahaha - guess this is my grandma practice.  

Asher needed a haircut so I took him to a real life New Jersey barber shop.  I feel like that's an event that needs to be documented.  Ash has really thick hair that shows every awful cut line so someone recommended I take him to a barber shop since blending is what they do best.  I can't believe I didn't think of this myself!  It's so true!  They did a great job!  

At my in-laws house they have glass doors on the bathtubs, instead of curtains.  The kids love it when I close the door so they can splash a little without getting water everywhere.  The first time I did it Asher said "wow Mommy, it's like we are animals at the zoo!"

Yes.  Exactly.

On Thursday morning I glanced out the living room window and saw a visitor in the backyard!  It was much bigger and closer than it seems to be in this picture.  Bambi was glared at us and was clearly annoyed that the flower garden was fenced off.  haha!

 This girl cracks me up - sailing the high seas at the park.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Lol at the animals in the bathtub! :) So true at my house too!


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