Sunday, May 15, 2016

noel august {three months}

Noel August, you are THREE months!

Well, Noel it's been 3 months since you made your big debut.  At 3 months old they say that you're no longer a newborn and I believe it.  More and more you are putting the newborn ways behind you and are acting more like a big little baby.  You are wearing big boy clothes now and everything.  :-)

You are still eating every 2 hours, but I'm trying to stretch that to 3 when we can.  Your sleep is still good at night, but I have a feeling when we hit 4 months and you go to bed earlier you'll hit some bumps in that road.  Regardless, that big smile melts my heart any time day or night.

I'm so grateful that you've been really healthy so far, despite having 2 big sibs who like to love on you.  You're in size 3-6 month clothes (especially PJs since they are getting too short on your long legs!) and wear a size 1 diaper.

Noel, you love to swing like none of the other kids did.  You sleep in the mamaRoo at night and are happy to nap in your swing downstairs with me.  This will have to change soon since you're starting to be more aware and can't sleep around commotion very well anymore.  Pretty soon we'll transition to the crib - eek, hoping it goes well!

You love your big siblings!  Whenever either of them comes into the room they get your immediate attention and a big smile!

Watch Noel grow:

birth:  6 lb, 9 oz :: 19.75"
leaving the hospital:  6 lb, 5 oz
1 week:  6 lb, 9 oz
2 weeks:  7 lb, 5 oz :: 20.5"
3 months:  13 lb, 3 oz :: 24.25"

At 3 months, Noel...

* weighs 13 lbs 3 oz and is 24.25" long
* wears size 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes, depending on what it is
* wears size 1 diapers, but will be moving to size 2 when these are gone!
* loves to get baths and swing
* loves the paci, but only when sleeping
* rides in the car like a champ - we do a lot of this running A & H around
* is exclusively breastfed and eats every 2-3 hours
* will take a bottle no problem!
* smiles so much and makes great eye contact
* loves to play with the toys on his play mat

Noel August, we love you so much!  You make it pretty easy with that big smile and happy go lucky personality.  It's so fun to see how you are changing as the months go by.  We're all excited to see who you become!

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