Thursday, September 3, 2015

baby peanut on the way!!!

Hey!  The exciting news just keeps on coming!

We're expecting baby #3!!!!!

This baby is such a blessing and has been prayed about for over a year now.  I love how we'd hoped to be pregnant last summer, but God knew how hard it would be for us to have a newborn when we sold our house and ended up homeless for a few months.  Although we were disappointed for awhile we see now how the timing couldn't be better and we're thrilled to be welcoming our little peanut in February 2016.  :-)

Asher has been working hard to teach Hadley everything she needs to know about being a big. They are both really excited and ask me every. single. day if it's February today.  Love them!

Around 8 weeks I was having a lot of severe abdominal pain so my doctor sent me for a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby wasn't ectopic or having some other kind of problem. Everything was just fine and I got the first little peak at our baby peanut.

So cute!

I haven't taken many belly pictures yet, but I will say that third babies don't mess around.  The belly was out and here to stay by 12 weeks, easily.

{cleaning the new house at 12 weeks}

More official belly pics to come!

At 12 weeks, 3 days we had the first trimester screening for Trisomy 13 and Downs.  We're blessed to report that everything looks perfect so far and little mister/miss is growing like a weed!  

I mean, really though, how perfect is this little cutie?!  For the record, I'm really conflicted on what the gender is.  At first I was positive it's a boy, but then my symptoms started mimicking how I was with Hadley, so now I'm not sure.  They say every baby is different, so I guess it could go either way regardless of how I feel.  :-)

Today I'm 15 weeks, 2 days and felt the first little flutter movements.  This is my absolute favorite.  Can't wait to feel this little one moving and grooving all the time!  The first trimester was filled with exhaustion and nausea, so the second trimester has been welcomed with open arms.  Feeling baby moving is just the icing on the cake.  We love you peanut!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! Lots of good news in your house! :) You need to take some pictures of the new place...I love the way the front entrance looks from your family pic.


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