Monday, November 18, 2013

some time away

Sorry for the long break - I'm sure my 5 readers really missed us.  Oh wait, 2 of those readers are the grandparents who were with us, so to the remaining 3 of you - we're back!!  Last week our little family took a trip to the sunshine state to enjoy some time with Drew's parents.  We spent a lot of time swimming, eating, and just relaxing.  I still have a ton of pictures to go through but for now I'll leave you with these gems…

We discovered that Hadley's a total water baby.  She loved the pool most of all.

Asher spent a special day at Disney with Drew and I and was in complete awe when meeting his hero. This is the reason we went and I almost cry every time I see how excited and overwhelmed he was!

More pictures and stories to come!


  1. I love that picture! And how cute is Hadley in her little bathing suit?! I can't wait to see more pics from the trip!

  2. LOVE that picture! Too cute! Such a great image to capture the essence of childhood.

    And I love H's bathing suit!

  3. Glad to have you back! LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of Asher and Buzz. Priceless memories:)

  4. So precious! By the way I have a quick question I wanted to ask you about your blog, do you think you could send me an email when you get this? Thanks!


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